Unique Fundraising Ideas for Charity
If you’re planning to whip up a storm in the kitchen to raise money for your favourite charity there are some simple ways you can drum up interest and excitement to get oodles of donations flowing in. Here are some Unique Fundraising Ideas for Charity.

Before you roll up your sleeves and get baking it might be worth thinking how you could theme your fundraising event to maximise the fun, attract more interest and boost the coffers of your good cause. Whether you’re holding a coffee morning in your own home to help fight cancer for Macmilllan or taking inspiration from The British Bake off to make cakes for BBC Children in Need on a larger scale, why not add a bit of character to your fundraising event by inviting someone like Alice to the party?
By giving a theme to your fundraising event and taking inspiration from something like our Vintage Alice in Wonderland collection, you can make your bakes, spreads and table tops look absolutely amazing with some imaginatively placed, low cost party ware, cake stands and centrepieces. You could even step it up a notch and encourage people to come, pocket watch in hand, to sample your ‘eat me’ canapés and ‘drink me’ refreshments.
Whatever level you choose, your visitors are bound to don their best Cheshire cat grins, support your worthy cause, have a great time and take lots of pictures that can be shared on social media, especially if there is plenty of visual stimulation! I’m in no doubt that the more interesting or wackier your theme, the more chance you will have to get your event lots of pre publicity, raise awareness, encourage others to spread the word and increase pre and post coverage in your local press.
In short, there are some characters you just can’t afford to leave off the guest list. If Alice isn’t your cup of tea, there’s always Winnie the Pooh or Peter Rabbit waiting to hop into your basket at www.luckandluck.co.uk.
We also have plenty of inspiration designed to bring your own character to life and give you the opportunity to add some sunshine, whatever the weather, to your fundraising activities, especially if you have a fondness for vintage, flowers and bunting!
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