The glam squad at have been working with the team at Plymouth’s Trevi House to bling on the party mood for its second annual garden gratitude party.
Ensuring that ‘Luck’ is at the heart of every perfect party, owners Holly and Matt have partnered up with other businesses in the local community to help spread some sunshine and donate goods and services for the event, supporting the UK’s only DETOX drug and alcohol rehabilitation charity which allows mothers and children to stay together and heal together.
The gratitude party at Trevi House was officially opened by Cllr Pauline Murphy, Plymouth’s Lord Mayor and attended by over 60 members of staff, residents, ex-residents, trustees, volunteers and representatives from the local community. These included Cllr Chaz Singh, Shekinah, Plymouth Soroptomists, The Buzz Club at Mutley Baptist Church, Harbour Detox Centre, Long Reach Rehab and Plymouth Community Homes.
At the event, Sian at Livewell received the ‘Hard working generosity award’; the ’Extra miles award’ went to Laura at Shekinah for providing free yoga and fitness sessions for Trevi House residents; Chaz Singh received the ‘Fundraiser award’ for all his wonderful fundraising activities and ‘The Sonny Whittle Award’ went to an amazing, empowered volunteer and ex-resident who staff say continues to bring joy and happiness into life at Trevi House and embodies the memory of the child which the award was created in memory of. The ladies at Soroptimist Plymouth received ‘The Ali Burt Outstanding kindness’ award for’ going above and beyond’ by giving up their time to redecorate and revamp the new home of a resident leaving Trevi House, who had nothing and was making the next steps onto independent living.

“As giving back helps the recovery process and the spirit of recovery is all about being grateful and kind to others, our gratitude party is a way of thanking everyone in our community who has helped our charity and residents move forwards,” says Rachael Mudge, women’s worker and team leader, Trevi House. “Without all these local people helping, we just wouldn’t manage but by working together we can enable families to live safe and fulfilled lives,” she adds.
“They’re a great bunch at Trevi House who really help turn lives around by providing a safe, specialist residential haven with therapeutic support for mothers in need who don’t have to leave their children to get the help they need,” says Holly Luck, director, Luck&Luck. “It’s a small charity which needs all the help it can get in these difficult times, so it was our pleasure to add some decorative chic to the occasion,” she adds. They chose some of our floral ranges of products including bunting, table covers, paper plates and cups. It really did add a great finishing touch to the event.
Luck and Luck weaved their vintage floral partyware into the celebrations along with Singer Richard Dixon who provided the musical backdrop; Boots, which provided free makeovers for residents; Trophy Man which provided the award medals, Mr Bounce which entertained the children, Alice Violet who donated cupcakes & flowers for decoration, Mary Emberlton who donated flowers and bouquets and Linda Lavin at Hartley photography.
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